The firmware for the tool access project is written primarily in Arduino flavoured C++. The RTOS “Real Time Operating System” (based on freeRTOS) that the Arduino core for the ESP32 rides on top of is utilized in the RTOS branch for asynchronous task handling. Authentication of RFID cards is carried out at the server level rather than at the tool level where the card is read. MQTT is utilized for asynchronous communication with the authentication sever.
Linear vs RTOS Branches¶
The firmware for the tool access project has two branches as of Aug 28, 2020: Linear and RTOS.
The linear branch is “standard” linear Arduino code. It can’t query a database and instead uses a hardcoded UID’s as a “stub” for authorization of cards.
The RTOS branch utilizes the RTOS running underneath the Arduino layer for more graceful task handling. The Arduino framework is still utilized to interact with peripherals but is wrapped in RTOS Tasks. This branch communicates with an MQTT broker via WiFi for authentication of RFID cards.
Getting Setup to Code with the ESP32¶
There are three main routes to getting coding on the ESP32.
Through the Arduino index (most beginner friendly, can code in Arduino flavoured C++)
VSCode + Espressif IDF (for advanced users/C literate programmers)
VSCode + Platformio (Intermediate but with its own share of headaches)
Platformio utilizes a platformio.ini
file to configure each new project. Here is what you will need to place in that file:
; semi-colons are a comment in the .ini file
platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
lib_extra_dir = G:\Documents\Arduino\libraries ;Point to any extra library directories you might have such as the Arduino library folder
monitor_speed = 115200 ;ESP32 speaks at 115200baud, PIO monitor doesn't have the ability to turn off auto scroll FYI
;debug_tool = esp-prog ;If you are using the esp-prog JTAG debugger
;upload_protocol = esp-prog ;If you are also using the esp-prog to upload firware
Other PIO Issues:
One issue than can be encountered in going this route is the compiler finding two WiFi.h files particularly if you already have the Arduino IDE installed.
One of these is located in the directory in which the Arduino IDE is installed in a folder named libraries. This is distinct from the libraries folder where external
libraries are installed. This is the Arduino core libraries.
The other WiFi.h is located in the platformio directory under packages\frameswork-arduinoespressif32\libraries
. This is the WiFi.h you want to use.
Learning RTOS on the ESP32¶
ESP32 Meet-up FreeRTOS I watched this on 1.75X to give me the basic gist of the RTOS API
Mastering the FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel This is an official freeRTOS resource. The ESP RTOS is based on it but is not exactly the same. I recommend skipping straight to the section on Task Management.
ESP-IDF FreeRTOS SMP Changes Espressif’s documentation for the differences between ESP32’s RTOS and vanilla freeRTOS
4. ESP32 FreeRTOS API Reference The Espressif documentation for their flavour of FreeRTOS 5 How to pass pointers to Software Timers Passing pointers pointers to software timer callback functions is also possible but is not made as clear by the official documentation.
Do not solely utilizes the freeRTOS documentation without referencing Espressif’s ESP32 specific RTOS documentation. There are differences in how the two are implemented.
Tool Access Configuration and Initialization¶
All hardware pin assignments, timer periods, MQTT IP addresses, etc can be found in the toolAccessRTOS.h
and toolAccessLinear.h
respectively. All assignments are made via defines.
All timing periods in the toolAccessRTOS.h
are made as a wrap of the pdMS_TO_TICKS(period_ms)
RTOS macro which converts a desired period expressed in milliseconds to RTOS ticks.
WiFi credentials must be supplied by the user in a credentials.h
with #define SSID, PASS
Tool Access Data Structures¶
One of the constraints of working with RTOS is that tasks cannot be passed any number of variables like a regular function. Instead they take a single void point (void *). RTOS has a number of tools for passing data between tasks such as queues, stream, and message buffers. Instead of using these more complex tools the Tool Access Firmware simply passes the address of nested structures via the void pointer at task creation. This allows for the tasks to continue passing down the struct pointer to help functions they may need to call.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | // Struct for holding UID and manipulating of UID data type
typedef struct {
byte uid_ByteBuffer[10]; // Holds UID read out of MFRC522 library
byte uid_ByteLength; // Holds size of uid_ByteBuffer
byte uid_Test[10];
// Holds the string version of the uid byte living in the mfrc522 struct
size_t uidStrLen; // Holds the length (not size) of uidStr
char uidStr[31]; // Biggest possible UID is 10bytes * 3 (because we : separate, eg. 0xFF:etc) + 1 (NULL) = 31
// Counter used in detecting card collisions
char collCounter;
// Stuct for passing desired LED parameters
typedef struct{
int led; // # of LED in FastLED array
int time; // blink rate
bool blink; // whether to blink or not
CRGB myColour;
} LEDParams;
// Struct for holding cardParams, LEDParams, and Timers
typedef struct{
LEDParams LEDParams0; // Parameters for LED0
LEDParams LEDParams1; // Parameters for LED1
cardParams card; // Holds info about read card
} metaStruct;
metaStruct contains declared members of the other structs. It functions as a container who’s address we may pass via the void pointer.
Passing our structs via the void pointer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | // Example RTOS Tasks
void pollNewTask (void *params){
/* We may transfer our pointer address
from our void pointer to a new variable via casting*/
metaStruct *progParams = (metaStruct*) params;
// We may now access our struct members like so
progParams->card.uidByte; // Only progParams is a pointer requiring the -> operator.
// After accessing via point we must use the . operator
void setup(){
// All code we wish to only run once is still placed in void setup
// We declare a member of metaStruct, our container
metaStruct progParams;
// If any of our struct variables require initialization we do so
progParams.LEDParams0.myColour = CRGB::Black; // We want our LEDs to start off
progParams.LEDParams0.led = 0; // Notice that because we are still in setup we access
progParams.LEDParams1.led = 1; // with the . operator all the way down our structs
progParams.LEDParams0.blink = 0;
progParams.LEDParams1.blink = 0;
// Here we pass the address of just progParams to our pollNew Task via the void * parameter
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(pollNewTask, "pollNewTask", 2048, &progParams, 1, &pollNewHandle, 1);
void loop(){
// Loop is not used when working with the RTOS
Software timer callback functions can also have pointers passed through its void * pvTimerID
parameter in the xTimerCreate()
The RTOS documentation does not explicitly state this like it does for tasks creation.
RFID - MFRC522 Module¶
The cheap and ubiquitous MFRC522 RFID module utilizes the NPX MFRC522 chip which is capable of a great deal more than it is used for in this project. For our purposes all we need it to do is detect a MIFARE card and read it’s UID. The server side of this project can associate UIDs with specific members.
Library: Leiden Markerspace MFRC522 Arduino Library. This library is a rewrite of the most commonly cited library written by Miguel Balboa for the MFRC522.
The ability to detect collisions (>1 card in RF field) is not functional on many of the cheap/ubiquitous RC522 modules. This is even called out in the Miguelbaoboa’s RFID library where he speculates that it may be due to poor antenna design. Because of this the collision detection implemented in RFID library as per the datasheet recommendations does not function as it should.
The control flow for the RFID hardware can be thought of as state based. Our ESP should only close the relay under certain circumstances. The states and the transitions between those states are a result of the number of RFID cards present in the modules RF field.
No cards present - in this state we poll for the arrival of new cards.
One card present - in this state we have detected a card. We must authorize it if the relay is to be closed. We must also shift from polling for new cards to polling for the continued presence of our detected card and polling for a collision event.
Collision (>1 card present) - In this state we have detected a collision and we transition to Timeout state. Why is this done? We can detect the resolution of a collision ie. one of the cards being removed however in the case of an unauthorized card colliding with an authorized one tailing in can be achieved by careful removal of the authorized card.
timingOut - In this state a timer is run down because either a collision has occurred or a card has been removed. This state can be exited by introducing a new card to reader or on expiration of the timer. Therefore we may think of it as occurring concurrently with the no cards present state.
RFID States Diagram
This state diagram holds true for both the Linear and the RTOS branches of the code. The states and state transitions are simply handled differently. In the linear branches the states are tracked via boolean flag variables and transitions are made via conditional checks against those flags. In the RTOS branch this is done via EventGroups.
The unconditional transition from the Collision state to the timingOut state is necessary due to the MFRC522 modules returning TIMEOUT status codes instead of COLLISION status code in the event of a collision. This does not prevent us from detect collisions but rather detecting how a collision is resolved. See MFRC522 primer for more detail.
State Transitions in RTOS¶
In the RTOS branch of the code states are tracked via the EventBits contained within the EventGroupHandle_t rfidStatesGroup
. The EventBits are interacted with
via RTOS API calls and macros defined in toolAccessRTOS.h
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | // Event group macros
#define CARD_BIT_0 ( 1 << 0 )
#define AUTH_BIT_1 ( 1 << 1 )
#define RELAY_BIT_2 ( 1 << 2 )
#define TIMEOUT_BIT_3 ( 1 << 3 )
#define COLL_BIT_4 ( 1 << 4 )
#define ESTOPFIRE_BIT_5 ( 1 << 5 )
#define ESTOPCLEAR_BIT_6 ( 1 << 6 )
#define WIFIOUT_BIT_7 ( 1 << 7 )
Not all of the EventBits are utilized to make state transitions but are set or cleared according to the state they are named for in the event that they may be used for state transitions in the future.
The four main RTOS API calls used to interact with the Event bits are:
1 2 3 4 | xEventGroupClearBits(EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToClear)); // Clears specified bits
xEventGroupSetBits(rfidStatesGroup, (CARD_BIT_0|AUTH_BIT_1)); // Sets specified bits
EventBits_t xEventGroupWaitBits(const EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup,const EventBits_t uxBitsToWaitFor,const BaseType_t xClearOnExit,const BaseType_t xWaitForAllBits,TickType_t xTicksToWait);
xEventGroupGetBits(rfidStatesGroup); // Checks value held in rfidStatesGroup, this is to be used for conditional checks be sure to bitmask to relevant bits vs simply checking the value
Line one shows xEventGroupClearBits as the definition while line 2 shows xEventGroupSetBits as an actual call (they expect the same parameters).
are passed with bitwise OR because we are creating a bitmask as an operator on the binary value contained within
Line 3 once again shows a formal definition. xEventGroupWaitBits is the call used to gate state transitions. It blocks a task (not the processor) until the specified bits are set. It cannot be used to check for being cleared. Notice that it can be configured to block until both specified bits are set or either bit is set. Additionally it can clear the bits it checks on returning.
Line 4 shows how the value held in an EventGroup could be checked if a conditional operation needs to be done outside of the RTOS API calls such as xEventGroupWaitBits
Setting EvetBits can unblock multiple tasks at once. This can result in nondeterministic behaviour if care is not taken.
RTOS States Diagram
Server Communication - MQTT¶
The ESP32 side of the MQTT transitions are handled using the Async MQTT library and modified versions of the functions written in the FullyFeatured-ESP32.ino
example included with the library.
Technical documentation: MQTT Topics & Best Practices Library: Async MQTT Client Library dependancy: AsyncTCP
Current MQTT Topic Structure¶
The current MQTT structure as of the Summer of 2020 is simple for the sake of prototyping.
// Publishes
rfid/auth/req // payload: uid
rfid/auth/eou // payload: uid
// Subscriptions
rfid/estop //payload: fire|clear
rfid/auth/rsp // payloads: auth|denied|seekiosk